Vibroacoustic Therapy

This is going to sound too good to be true, but I promise you it’s LEGIT.

Imagine you could…

  • meditate without trying

  • Meet your higher self & your spirit guides

  • travel to unseen realms

  • completely calm your nervous system

by lying down, closing your eyes and listening to pretty music for 20 minutes?

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nikola Tesla

Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) is a modern and science-backed take on an ancient healing practice. Developed in Norway in the 1980’s, it was introduced in Australia by the amazing folks at Vibro Sound Healing on the Gold Coast.

Unlike traditional sound healing where a practitioner will play a bunch of different instruments (often in a group setting), VAT uses a device such as a lounge or pillow that is embedded with speakers to play scientifically-created music that vibrates low frequency soundwaves into the body; promoting relaxation, self healing, deep meditation and nervous system regulation.


We use specially designed meditative soundscapes composed by sound therapist, reiki master and Vibro Sound founder Katherine Jameson.

Ranging from 15-25 minutes long, these tracks vibrate hundreds of healing frequencies into the body, the muscles, the cells and the organs - wrapping you in a complete cocoon of sound.

This results in slowed brainwave activity, induces the body’s relaxation response and entrains your body out of ‘fight or flight’ mode and into ‘rest and digest’ state.


Every person’s experience is different, and varies from one session to the next.

But my clients have reported…

  • Deep relaxation to the point of feeling like they had left the room

  • Calming the constant hum of anxiety within their bodies

  • Meeting and receiving guidance from their Higher Self and their spirit guides

  • Relief from chronic pain conditions

  • Feeling so well rested like they’ve just had a full night’s sleep

  • Traveling to unseen realms and other dimensions

  • Meditating for the first time ever

  • Feeling like they’ve had a complete mental and emotional reset

  • Shifting from feeling like a ‘rapid raging river’ to a ‘smooth glass pond’


Check out this excerpt from one of our consciously composed vibroacoustic therapy tracks.

Divine Feminine Healing
”A symphony of healing frequencies, featuring several layers of crystal bowls which have channelled healing energies and colour frequencies, and a melodic landscape of synths, strings, piano and nature sounds.

This track is to connect you to The Mother, your own Feminine Energy, Divine Feminine archetypes like Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene and Gaia. As well as anything that represents a sense of Divinity.” - Katherine Jameson

Sample of a vibroacoustic therapy track by VibroSound Healing

Sound Lounge Track Menu by Jordan Pearce


Browse the full list of tracks available for your sound adventure. You can choose to intuitively select your own tracks, or allow me to curate your adventure accordingly.


Quick Recharge

Perfect for first timers, those on the go or if you just need a little musical & energetic tune-up.

45 minutes - One 15-25 minute track.


Sound Immersion

Sink into calm, stillness and reflection through full body haptic sound massage.

60 minutes - Two 15-25 minute tracks.


I firmly believe you receive what you are meant to receive from these experiences. Your Higher Self knows what you need, and how that manifests depends entirely on how open you are to receive and how willing you are to be guided.


Is vibroacoustic therapy safe for everybody?

Vibroacoustic therapy (VAT) is not recommended for those with with severe or chronic mental illness (such as schizophrenia or psychosis), serious injury or recent surgery, low blood pressure; as well as people who are pregnant, undergoing chemotherapy, or have a pacemaker.

How does the vibrosound Lounge play music?

The Lounge has transducers or bass speakers built into it that plays music at a low volume and vibrates as you lie on it. The same music plays through headphones that are worn in the session for a full body haptic sound massage.

Are there any side effects?

Occasionally there can be a temporary worsening of symptoms or a ‘healing crisis’ following the commencement of any new treatment. Don’t worry though, this means that it is working and you are moving through and clearing out energy that no longer serves you. It typically only lasts a few days if at all, however this can vary depending on the issue or the person. Be sure to drink lots of water, rest if you need to and be gentle with yourself.

What kind of music is played through the Sound Lounge?

The music played through the lounge are tracks scientifically and consciously composed by Katherine Jameson. Each has been created with a different intention and specific healing frequencies using a range of instruments, sound healing tools and types of noise; such as piano, guitar, sacred voice, crystal bowls, gongs, tuning forks, and nature sounds like rain, ocean waves and birdsong.

How many sessions should I have?

This is entirely up to you, depending on where you’re at in your journey, what your intentions are and what you feel is best for you. You may feel like you got what you needed after one session, you may feel you need to undertake a series of sessions or you may wish to incorporate sound healing into your regular ongoing self care routine. Like a lot of therapies, the more experiences you have the better results and you certainly can't overdo sound therapy.

Ready To Book Your Sound ADventure?